Soul, be still, Worry no more
Soul, be still, Worry no more,There is a place of refuge, restoration,rest;
The weight of tomorrow and what it may bring,
Not yours to carry; only today do your best.
Be still my Soul, Worry no more,
Be at peace, no need for perplexity, care;
Lay down the burden that bears down intense,
The thorn that thwarts, the tare that will tear.
Run to the rock that is higher than self,
The arms everlasting, not mere flesh;
Soul thirst be quenched by streams of life,
By green pastures, Living water will refresh.
My soul is still, mind and hearts at rest,
The sought after, secret place of grace, found;
In Him, my Saviour, my Shepherd secure
I move onward and upward, gaining new ground
Storms still threaten, thunder distantly rolls,
Inward the tumult silenced, the din no more
Outward perils persist, dangers prevail;
But no fear nor frenzy, I know I’m secure.
Soul, be still? It is - frets no more,
That place of refuge, restoration,rest is mine!
I no longer carry tomorrow’s worrisome weight
In freedom and victory, today I will shine.