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Writer's pictureWayne George

Winter Scars in Spring

Updated: Jan 30, 2018

Today is officially the first day of Spring! The Winter is over. The cold season is past!

 Six years ago today, I took this pic from my bedroom window (while living in Adelaide). It’s not quite synonymous with Spring. Spring is a time of flowering & budding! This tree stands naked!

This got me thinking! There are times when that which the season dictates, is not matched by that which one is experiencing. Buds of joy should be springing forth; instead the cold stark naked sorrow persists! The florets of excitement should be forming; instead, the emptiness exists!

I thought a bit further. This tree is merely continuing in the state it has been in for the past 3 months or so. It is carrying with it the marks of the season it has just been through!

Dear friend, can you identify with this condition? You’ve been through a winter experience that has left you vulnerable and exposed. Even though this is a new season, you still carry the marks of the season you’ve been through. The wounds of the battle have perhaps healed but the scars remain! You have stepped into a new season, but the marks of the old are still being borne by you. You feel like a naked tree in Spring!

I took another look at this tree, not merely what it is as it stands outside my home at this given point on the continuum of time, but peered a little bit further down the timeline. The picture is a very different one. You see, this tree is not going to remain as it is today. Once the process instituted by the Creator is complete, the tree will look a whole lot different.

Dear friend, are you seeing what I’m seeing? Where you are right now is not where you are going to be when God is through with you! Once His healing, restoring and refining process is underway in your life, His grace can turn your ashes into beauty; your sorrows into joy! He Who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it! 

“Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines… Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation” (Habakkuk 3:17-18).

God Bless WG

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